Welcome to the Cayuga County Employment Portal


General Instructions and Information for Candidates

  1. JURISDICTION: The Cayuga County Civil Service Commission handles personnel transactions for 35 County Depts.; 6 County School Districts: Cato-Meridian, Moravia, Port Byron, Southern Cayuga, Union Springs, Weedsport; Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES; Cayuga Community College; Seymour Public Library District; Cayuga County Water and Sewer Authority; 23 Towns; 9 Villages.

  2. RESIDENCY: Candidates must have been legal residents of NYS for 30 days prior to the date of the examination. Preference in appointment may be given to successful candidates who have been legal residents of the appointing jurisdiction (Cayuga County/County School District) for 30 days prior to the date of the examination.

  3. APPLICATIONS: Cayuga County applications are available on the civil service web site: www.cayugacounty.us/DocumentCenter/View/9559/Application-PDF. Applications are available from the: CAYUGA COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, County Office Building, 2nd Floor, 160 Genesee St., Auburn, New York 13021-3489, Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00PM., Summer Hours: July and August: 8:00AM-4:00PM; (315) 253-1284. The candidate must complete and submit an MSD-330, "Application For Examination or Employment", for each open-competitive exam he/she wishes to take. Falsification of any part of the application will result in disqualification. Applicants must answer every question on the application form and make sure that the application is complete in all respects. Incomplete applications will be disapproved.

  4. APPLICATION REVIEW FEE: A non-refundable fee is required for each separately numbered examination for which you apply. The required fee (check the exam announcement for correct amount) must accompany your application. Send check or money order payable to: Cayuga County and write the Examination Number(s) on your check or money order. Do not send cash. As no refunds will be made, you are urged to compare your qualifications carefully with the requirements for admission and file only for those examinations for which you are clearly qualified.

  5. POLICE OFFICER/DEPUTY SHERIFF: Those applying for Police Officer or Deputy Sheriff must enter their date of birth on the application since there are minimum age requirements for these positions.

    • If you have applied for any other civil service examinations to be given on the same test date for employment with New York State or any other local government jurisdiction excluding New York City, you must make arrangements to take all the examinations at one test site.
    • If you have applied for both State and local government examinations, you must make arrangements to take all your examinations at the State examination center by calling (518) 474-6470 in the Albany area or toll free at 1-877-697-5627 [press 2, then press 1], no later than two weeks before the test date.
    • If you have applied for another local government examination with another local civil service agency, call or write to each civil service agency to make arrangements. You must make your request for these arrangements no later than two weeks before the date of the examinations. You must notify all local government civil service agencies with whom you have filed an application of the test site at which you wish to take your examination.
    • Attach a CROSS-FILING FORM to your Cayuga County Civil Service Application. Request this form by calling (315) 253-1284, or fill out online.

  7. RESUME: Submission of a resume does not relieve you of the responsibility for completing all sections of the official application. The resume is a supplement of the application and not a substitute for it. To receive credit for experience on a job, basic information such as address, name and title of supervisor, hours in a work week, final salary, etc., must be shown on the application.

  8. EXPERIENCE: All experience required to meet the Minimum Qualifications section is PAID FULL-TIME EXPERIENCE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.

  9. RELIGIOUS ACCOMMODATION/DISABLED CANDIDATES/MILITARY MEMBERS: Applicants whose religious beliefs or military service prevent their taking examinations on the scheduled date and disabled candidates who require special accommodations to take the test should indicate the need for special arrangements on their application. Military Service Members: If you apply for an examination during the filing period but are on active military duty on the date the examination is scheduled, you may request a military makeup examination. Contact the Cayuga County Dept. of Human Resources and Civil Service Commission for more information. If you are on active duty or discharged after the filing period has begun, you may apply for the examination up to ten days before the test date.

  10. VETERAN PREFERENCE: Veterans or disabled Veterans desiring to claim additional credit may make application for such additional credit on their application for examination or at any time between the date of application and the date of establishment of the resulting eligible list. Veteran's credits can only be added to a passing score on the examination. Forms will be sent to candidates after applications have been examined. The time periods for which veterans credit is permitted are listed on the Civil Service Application.

  11. Section 23.2: When the written exam is prepared and rated by the NYS Dept. of Civil Service in accordance with Section 23.2 of the Civil Service Law, the provisions of the NYS Civil Service Rules and Regulations which deal with the rating and review of the exam will apply.

  12. ELIGIBLE LIST: The duration of an eligible list may be fixed for minimum period of 1 and not more than 4 years. Appointment from an eligible list must be made from the top 3 candidates willing to accept appointment.

  13. USE OF CALCULATORS: Candidates have the option of bringing a calculator to the test room unless notified that their use is prohibited. Candidates are permitted to use quiet, hand-held, solar or battery-powered calculators. Devices with typewriter keyboards, Spell Checkers, Personal Digital Assistants, Address Books, Language Translators, Dictionaries, or any similar devices are prohibited. You may not bring books or other reference materials. You may not bring cellular phones, beepers, pagers or headphones.

  14. ADMISSION NOTICE: Approved candidates will receive an Admission Notice by mail approximately one week before the exam date of the place, date, and time of the exam. Candidates will not admitted to the exam unless they have an Admission Notice. Disqualified candidates will be sent a disapproval letter.

  15. RECEIPT OF APPLICATION: The County Civil Service Commission Office does not make formal acknowledgment of the receipt of an application or take responsibility for non-delivery or mail or postal delay.

  16. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If you move it is your responsibility to notify the civil service office of your new address. The Commission makes no attempt to find candidates who have moved. Failure to notify the Commission of a move could result in being passed over for appointment.

  17. WEATHER EMERGENCY/EXAM CANCELLATION: Listen to your local TV/RADIO stations for information:

    WSTM Channel 3
    WTVH Channel 5
    WIXT Channel 9

    WSEN (92.1 FM)
    WNYR (98.5 FM)
    WALL (99.3 FM)
    WSFW (1110 AM)
    WGVA (1240 AM)
    WCGR (1550 AM)
    WAUB (1590 AM)
    WFBL (1050 AM)

Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer